covid-19 business resources
other resources
CDC Resources for Businesses and Employers: View general guidance and fact sheets from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
DHS Resources for Businesses and Employers: View general guidance and fact sheets from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.
Hmong Wisconsin Chamber of Commerce (HWCC) Emergency Loan Fund: Loan to provide needed capital for qualified small businesses in Wisconsin that have been affected by the COVID-19.
OSHA Guidelines: Information for workers and employers to interim guidance and other resources for preventing exposures and infection with the COVID-19.
Optimize PPE Supply: Information on personal protective equipment.
USDA Assistance to Farmers: Additional information of flexibilities to help producers impacted by the COVID-19:
Food Assistance Program​
Dumped Milk
Crop Insurance Flexibilities
Farm Loan Flexibilities
Commodity Loan Flexibilities
Crop Acreage Reporting