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board of directors

The Board of Directors is responsible for the organization’s financial well-being and accountability, ensuring that our activities are consistent with our mission. The Board of Directors is made up of five volunteer members, who are current or past chief executives or have substantial management or policy responsibility, from either the public or private sector.

  • Chris Carman, Owner, ActionCoach Business Coaching

  • Francisco Sanchez, Retired President, WOW Workforce Development, Inc. (Vice Chair)

  • Mark Goldstein, Attorney, Goldstein Law Group.

  • Mary Wehrheim, Retired President, Stanek Tool, Corp. 

  • Steve Holtan, Retired President, Slinger Manufacturing (Chair)

The Executive Committee, consisting of the Chair, Vice Chair, and at least one other Board of Director member, may exercise all the authority of the Board of Directors, when it is impractical for the Board of Directors to act.

Hours of operation

Monday - Friday       8:00 AM to 4:30 PM

Saturday - Sunday    Closed


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