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training services

We offer several training programs and incentives to help local businesses stay competitive in today’s economy.  

  • On-the-job Training (OJT): The OJT program is used to provide incentives to businesses who hire new employees who have the aptitude and ability to do a specific job but do not have previous on-the-job experience in that occupation or industry. Businesses save an average of $4,500 per new hire. Wage reimbursements are designed to help offset the extraordinary costs of training new hires. The length of the OJT and wage reimbursement is dependent on the amount of training needed and the complexity of the job.

  • Registered Apprenticeships: Apprenticeships help businesses develop highly-skilled employees, reduce turnover rates, increase productivity and lower the cost of recruitment. An added benefit is that an apprenticeship can be done in conjunction with an OJT.

  • Work-Based Learning Opportunities: We encourage businesses of all industries to contribute to the future workforce by providing work experiences, internships, and apprenticeships opportunities. Based on the client’s assessment results and employer needs we match clients to work-based learning opportunities that create a win-win for the business and young adults! Through our work-based learning opportunities, businesses may save between $2,400 to $3,840 per client. Wage reimbursements are dependent on amount of hours completed. 

Our Business Solutions Team work with businesses to create custom on-the-job training plans, connect to local apprenticeship representatives and resources, and to place job seekers in a work-based learning employment opportunity such as an internship or work experience.​

Hours of operation

Monday - Friday       8:00 AM to 4:30 PM

Saturday - Sunday    Closed


Copyright © 2019 Forward Careers, Inc.

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