brand guide
Below are acceptable variations of Forward Careers' logos available for download. Please review our logo, appropriate usage, color palette, and typography standards below.
Logos may not be altered or modified in any way unless prior and written approval is obtained from Forward Careers at
Forward Careers Color Palette
Color is an important aspect of Forward Careers’ brand identity. Using our color appropriately is one of the easiest ways to make sure our materials stay cohesive.

R 57 G 62 B 70
C 74 M 64 Y 54 K 44
R 0 G 180 B 168
C 76 M 2 Y 42 K 0
R 255 G 244 B 225
C 0 M 3 Y 12 K 0
R 247 G 181 B 25
C 2 M 31 Y 100 K 0
R 239 G 65 B 65
C 0 M 90 Y 77 K 0
Forward Careers Templates
Templates are important for Forward Careers’ brand identity. Using our templates will make sure our materials stay cohesive.
Forward Careers Templates​
Forward Careers & WOW WDB Templates
Forward Careers Accepted Logo Usage
Our logo is the building block to our visual brand and is the asset we use to connect with our audience. The logo must be used on all official Forward Careers' material. Below are approved logo formats that we hope provide flexibility across a wide variety of applications.